Is Bamboo Toilet Paper Septic Safe?

Sep 11, 2024

Here’s one we hear a lot – people want to be more environmentally conscious but they’re afraid there could be repercussions. Which leads to a question we’re often asked, is HeyBamboo safe for my septic system?

We’re happy to say HeyBamboo is safe for all systems, including:

  • Traditional sewer systems
  • Composting toilets
  • Alternative toilets
  • Delicate septic systems

As toilet paper has “evolved” we’ll call it, it has gotten thicker, fluffier, and more artificial, which makes it more comfortable to us, but it can really take a toll on plumbing systems. Add aging pipes and more demand, and the risk of a stinky problem goes up with every flush. 

What to know about bamboo toilet paper, before you flush.

When it comes to flushing the toilet, you may think “out of sight, out of mind.” However, if your home or business runs on a septic system, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

While you probably avoid giving too much thought to what happens post-flush, the reality is that sensitive septic systems are prone to clogs or backups that can be a huge pain (and expense!) to remedy.

The good news is that these issues can be avoided by simply using septic-safe toilet paper… bamboo! Read on to learn more about how septic systems work, what makes bamboo toilet paper safe for septic tanks, and why HeyBamboo is the top choice for your septic system and the environment.

What is a septic system?

Septic systems are a type of plumbing and waste management system that doesn’t rely on being connected to a municipal sewage network. They handle the wastewater from (usually) a single house or business, and are common in rural areas, in places where people live off-grid, or in RVs. About a quarter of US households run on septic, and they’re most popular in New England with up to half of homes having a septic tank.

While you’ve probably heard the phrase “runs on septic” or have seen signs warning against flushing more than the basics, do you know how septic systems actually work? Here’s a brief rundown.

  • Water & waste from toilets, showers and drains makes its way into the septic tank.
  • Solids sink to the bottom to form sludge, while oils and fats rise to the surface to form scum. Anaerobic bacteria in this chamber feed on organic pollutants and help break them down.
  • Liquids pass through a filter into the drain field, an area containing perforated pipes and gravel embedded in a garden or field.
  • Aerobic bacteria break down any contaminants and pollutants to purify the wastewater, before slowly seeping into the surrounding soil.
  • Any remaining impurities are removed by the soil, before excess water reaches the groundwater to return back to streams, rivers and lakes.

While the process seems simple, it’s worth noting that the balance of bacteria, solid waste, oil waste, and tank capacity is delicate. Pipes can be easily clogged with wipes – yes, even “flushable” ones – sanitary products, and even certain types of toilet paper. So, what is septic safe toilet paper?

Septic safe defined:

Products that can be flushed into a septic system that won’t clog pipes, cause buildup, or disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria. These products are usually natural and biodegradable, and can easily break down within a septic tank.

Is bamboo toilet paper septic safe?

Yes! In fact, when it comes to choosing septic system safe toilet paper, bamboo is your top choice. You may be surprised to learn that traditional toilet paper, and even recycled toilet paper, doesn’t necessarily break down completely, which can lead to complications when you flush.

So, what exactly are the qualities that make bamboo your septic system’s BFF?

What makes bamboo toilet paper septic safe?

When you use bamboo toilet paper, you can rest assured that you won’t need your plumber on speed dial. Here’s why:

Superior fiber structure

While bamboo toilet paper may look like regular toilet paper at first glance, its fibers are very different from tree-sourced sheets. Bamboo toilet paper contains lower levels of lignin, a complex organic polymer found in trees and paper that acts as a “connector” between cellulose fibers. A lower lignin content means that bamboo begins to disintegrate in contact with water much faster than tree-sourced toilet paper, resulting in a smoother journey from toilet bowl to septic tank.

Breaks down faster

One of the standout features of bamboo toilet paper is that, while being strong and soft enough to complete its task, it can be effectively broken down by water. When compared to traditional toilet paper, and even recycled toilet paper options, bamboo toilet paper starts to disintegrate much faster. This means less clogs and obstructions, and a happier septic system!


As well as breaking down upon contact with water, the natural makeup of bamboo toilet paper means that it can also be broken down by bacteria, known as biodegradability. The less processed a product is the easier it is to be broken down, which is why bacteria love bamboo toilet paper more than traditional or even recycled toilet paper. In fact, bamboo toilet paper can be considered 100% biodegradable!

Takes up less space

The primary tank of your septic system is where solids are filtered out, and either broken down or begin to build up. If you’ve heard of getting your septic tank pumped, this is why! The more that toilet paper can be effectively broken down, the less space it takes up in the tank, and the more effective your septic system will be. Note that even though bamboo toilet paper is completely biodegradable, organic waste buildup is still part of owning a septic system, so don’t forget to pump every 3-5 years!

Low chemical content

When it comes to septic safety, it’s important to minimize the amount of chemicals such as bleach, dye, or fragrance reaching the septic tank. These can interfere with the bacteria balance of the system, and can make it hard for toilet paper to break down. The good news is that bamboo toilet paper requires much fewer chemicals in the production process, reducing the amount of pollutants that get flushed down your toilet. Bamboo is also an eco-friendly crop, growing quickly without the need for pesticides or fertilizers, all of which can make their way into your septic system and back into the groundwater. Bamboo toilet paper is the clear eco-friendly choice!

HeyBamboo, for your septic tank and for you!

When it comes to choosing toilet paper, not all rolls are created equal. And when you have a septic system, choosing the right toilet paper is key to avoiding a call to the emergency plumber!

It’s clear that bamboo toilet paper is the superior choice for your septic tank, due to its unique fiber structure, speedy breakdown, and low-tox production. And when it comes to bamboo toilet paper, you can’t beat HeyBamboo.

We produce 100% unbleached bamboo toilet paper that is soft, strong, and completely biodegradable. Plus, as well as avoiding unsightly clogs, HeyBamboo bamboo toilet paper is a great way to reduce your environmental impact by keeping trees out of toilets. Try HeyBamboo for yourself - the planet and your septic tank will thank you!