How to Support Reforestation

May 1, 2024

How to make an Impact on your Environment

Hi there bamboo lovers, thanks for stopping by! If you’ve just stumbled upon this blog, you’re a fan of our super soft, super strong, super sustainable TP!

We’d like to start by saying that here at HeyBamboo, we have a deep respect for mother nature, and consider the preservation of the precious world around us in everything we do, from our products to packaging to even how our beloved toilet paper is transported.

Today we’d like to talk a little bit about our trees, forests, and how you can make a difference in their revival.

Get your Hands Dirty

There’s nothing more impactful than getting down in the dirt and planting a tree. Whether in your backyard or the nearby park, every additional tree makes a positive difference. If you’re not sure where to start, there’s a ton of great organizations dedicated to planting new trees and other efforts to curb deforestation.One Tree Plantedis one of our favorite organizations that we’re proud to partner with as a part of “One Tree Back” initiative. You can learn more about what they do >here.

Choose Bamboo

Now, obviously we’re biased, but the research shows that when you choose bamboo products you’re opting for a renewable resource. Bamboo can seriously grow lightning fast, up to several feet a day. (Trees don’t grow that fast, ever).) Another cool thing, bamboo helps prevent erosion and soil degradation, since its root systems are able to regenerate after a harvest.

Make Conscious Choices

Here’s a simple thing you can do; choose sustainably sourced products whenever possible. With so many choices these days, many offering the same quality and experience as a non-sustainable product, it’s easy, and the right choice to make. Continue your effort by eliminating as many unrenewable resources as you can. Some ideas would be to walk or ride your bike instead of driving when possible, recycling your paper goods, and supporting eco-innovators that make goods out of untraditional materials in the name of sustainability.

Support Brands that use Sustainable Packaging

Picking your products from companies that are committed to sustainability both in their products and in their packaging is a good move. By choosing brands with eco-friendly packaging, you’re reducing the demand for non-sustainable products and voting for less forest destruction. Shopping locally can also be huge, as it reduces the carbon footprint by eliminating the need to ship something halfway around the world. Actions speak louder than words, make a commitment to adding locally sourced goods to your shopping list.

Examine your Diet

You may not have thought much about it, but everything you had for dinner last night had an impact on the planet.

Beef and livestock: beef production eats up forests rapidly, if you had a little less beef could mean a few more trees standing tall.

Palm Oil: You may not realize it but palm oil is an ingredient in many foods, and it’s contained in “more than half of all packaged products like lipsticks, soaps and detergents” – see more >here.  Large areas of tropical forests have been devastated to keep up with the high demand, destroying the habitat for many endangered species. This is not something we want to support so if you need to use something that contains palm oil, consider a sustainably sourced alternative before buying.

Soy: Surprise surprise, soy isn’t just the main ingredient in tofu and soy milk; it also feeds many animals. Forests are being cleared to make room for soy fields, so think twice before adopting it as a meat alternative. Without proper safeguards, the soybean industry is at risk of impacting major deforestation.

Coffee and Cacao: We all love a good cup of joe and a bite of chocolate.  Next time you order your coffee and cocoa opt for a shade grown bean that’s organic, fair trade, and has sustainable packaging.


Here at HeyBamboo, we understand that change can be hard. If you don’t know where to start but still want to make a difference, pick a few things on this list and try to implement them into your lifestyle.  While we might not all be out there with shovels and saplings, our choices—from what we munch on to the TP we trust (hint: bamboo!)—can save plenty of trees and make a world of difference!